In keeping with its holistic approach to personal well-being, The Spa at Stoweflake offers access to unmatched fitness opportunities through its Sports and Wellness Center.

Here in the Heart of Stowe lies some of the best Boutique shopping in Vermont. Reopening Fall 2024, The Spa’s own Elements at Stoweflake Store offers organic and natural products from face care, skin care, hair care and more! Choose from modern bohemian jewelry and clothing styles from local vendors. If looking for Stoweflake and Stowe souvenir, the gift shop at Stoweflake a great variety of take-aways from to make your memorable stay long lasting.

Throughout the Stoweflake grounds, there is much for you to explore and experience. From Lawn Games to groomed snowshoe trails, you’ll be certain to get your adventure fix. Try out our 5k fitness trail, squash and racquetball court, tennis courts, pickleball courts, horseshoes, volleyball, badminton, indoor and outdoor pools and more!

One part of history not to be missed are the beautiful gardens throughout the Stoweflake property. Starting from the original Baraw Innkeepers, the gardens have continued to flourish and remain unrivaled in Stowe. Be sure to stop by our concierge service to get a guided map and identify all of the plants!